Once you have made the decision to date again as a widower, prepare yourself for the shock of entering a much different dating scene after an absence of many years…
Read MoreMy father died when he was 33 years of age, so I realized the importance of getting my finances in order while still young… Eventually when I came out of deep grieving, I realized that everything about our finances had been structured for her survival, not mine.
Read MoreA kind word can save a widower. Amazing, but true! When a widower is buried in grief, just one kind word from someone can make their grief bearable and make their chances of surviving their grief intact more likely. More than once a friend called me at just the right time and offered kind words of support, or to meet with me, or to help in some way….
Read MoreImmersing yourself in grief after your wife dies is unavoidable, necessary, and healthy. This stage of your grief journey may go on for months, or even years. If the tables were turned, and you died first, would you want your wife to mope around in deep grieving for years after your passing? Of course not! Well then, how the heck do you pull out of this deep grieving?
Read MoreWhether you believe in God, Allah, Yahweh, or a spiritual universe, you probably have heard the phrase, “Don’t bow down to false gods.” When we are grieving, many false gods may tempt us and drag us into a pit of despair…
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